When cars and other motor vehicles are involved in traffic accidents, people can be seriously injured. Those affected can include drivers, passengers, bicyclists, pedestrians, or even people who own property that sits near the site of an accident. What all of these parties generally share in common is the right to recover for losses that are caused by the negligence of others. For this reason, it is important for anyone hurt in a motor vehicle crash to retain a Chicago car accident attorney as soon as he or she can.
To discuss your case with one of the attorneys of Salvato & O’Toole, please call our office today at (312) 583-9500.
Various Forms Of Negligence Can Cause Chicago Car Accidents
Car accidents can happen for many different reasons. Under Illinois law, an injured party must be able to establish that someone else’s negligence caused their accident in order to recover compensation for their injuries and other losses. Some examples of the kinds of negligence that commonly result in a car accident include the following:
After a car accident, it is often necessary to collect evidence in order to establish that a particular party was negligent. The kinds of evidence that could potentially support your case include video surveillance footage that may have captured your accident, vehicle maintenance records, eyewitness accounts of the accident, police reports, and others. In some cases, other parties may be reticent to turn over such evidence, as they may know that it will tend to show their negligence. In addition, the investigation associated with litigating a car accident case can often require a substantial investment of time and resources. Fortunately, an experienced car accident attorney will be able to help you obtain the evidence you need and present it to insurance companies or the court in a way that will maximize your chances of recovering for your injuries.
Contact A Chicago Automobile Accident Lawyer Today To Set Up A Free, No-Obligation Case Evaluation
When people are injured in motor vehicle accidents, Illinois tort law often entitles them to significant recovery. Since 2010, the lawyers of Salvato, O’Toole & Froylan have been representing the legal rights of individuals injured in preventable accidents and work tirelessly to obtain the most favorable settlement or award available on behalf of our clients. We take all of our personal injury clients on a contingency fee basis, which means that you will not owe us a dime unless we successfully recover for you and your family. There is no obligation to retain us as your attorney after meeting with us, so do not hesitate to meet with one of our attorneys to discuss your case. To schedule a free consultation, please call our office today at (312) 583-9500.